What belongs here:
• PET drinks bottles (flattened with or without lids)
• Plastic beakers and tubs used for certain foods
• Plastic and polythene bags
• HDPE bags
• Plastic containers from cleaning products (rinsed)
• Plastic wrap, polystyrene
• Plastic products (e.g. toothbrushes, CD and DVD cases, toys)
What doesn't belong here:
• Floor coverings, carpets
• Novodur pipes
• Containers used to store oil (including cooking oil) - the greasiness causes problems during the recycling process
• Packaging used to store paint, chemicals and other hazardous substances
• PVC, foam, cables
• Rubber, tyres
• Dirty plastic containers and packaging
Where should I put it?
There are special yellow containers in which you should place separated plastics. These containers are available to the general public in various publicly accessible places. Other individuals (engaging in business) and legal entities may use the services which our company offers; we are able to directly provide a waste container depending on the amount of separated material. This type of waste can also be handed in at our collection yard. You should never put any extra waste beside waste containers (i.e. any waste that is too big to fit into the container).